Whether media influences behavior, particularly in adolescents, is long debated. Links Between Video Game Playing and Actual Behavior Are Inconsistent Entertainment Merchants Association hat video game content could not be regulated by governments, and are protected by the First Amendment. In 2011, a US Supreme Court decision on Brown v. “We need to let reviewers know that a game centered on raping and killing women is unacceptable and cannot hit the market,” Cosenza writes. Poi, basta un videogioco… 'Rape Day', il giorno dello stupro, in cui si simula di violentare e uccidere una donna… #rapeday #stopallaviolenzasulledonne #messaggipericolosiperledonne #iodicono #metoo QUI LA NOTIZIA Ī post shared by Simona Ruffini on at 1:07am PSTĮven though only users of the Steam platform can see games, Rape Day prompted Cecilia Cosenza to start a petition on where thousands have petitioned the game’s release.
Cerchiamo di insegnare alle donne come difendersi e agli uomini a rispettare. Come donne e professioniste cerchiamo ogni giorno di veicolare o segnalare contenuti violenti, offensivi e potenzialmente pericolosi.